Tag Archives: Lutheran

EP008 Stephen R. Lawhead “The Skin Map”

Physicists have sought far and wide for an explanation of the universe which excludes the postulate of a divine being, an intelligent designer who created and will complete all things. One solution is the multiverse, that the universe is really only one of many options out there, that there are other universes have spun off of this, or, perhaps, our universe is a spin-off of the primary universe, or what if this isn’t the primary universe . . . well, you get the idea. But what if you could travel between these universes? What if there was a means to explore alternative universes which bear a small resemblance to our own? What if you could travel not only through universes, but in different universes at different times, so that you could experience some part of the past? And what if you got lost? Well, you’d need the Skin Map to find your way back.


Edition Reviewed

Stephen R. Lawhead, The Skin Map


Links of Interest

Stephen R. Lawhead, The Bone House, Volume 2 of Bright Empires

Stephen R. Lawhead’s books

Wikipedia on Ley Lines

Wikipedia on String Theory

Ted Talks are usually fairly intelligent. Try this one.


Next Episode Links

Ruyard Kipling, The Jungle Book

Or if you want the Everyman Edition of The Jungle Book

Neil Gaiman, Graveyard Book

Steadfast Media Pick of the Week

Thanks to the Brothers for picking us as their media pick of the week!

Steadfast Lutherans » Steadfast Media Pick of the Week — A Fledgling Podcast.

A Fledgling Podcast

This week’s pick is a little bit of a change-up. It’s the latest episode from a young (7 episodes) podcast called Lies Speaking Truth which analyzes the quality and worldview of classic and modern works of fiction. Pastors Roy Askins and Christopher Gillespie use Dr. Gene Veith’s “Reading Between the Lines” and James Sire’s “The Universe Next Door” as the frameworks. In this specific episode, “Robinson Crusoe” is critiqued.

The analysis starts with a discussion of the main character’s worldview which appears to be a Christian Theism transitioning to Deism. What I found most interesting was the connection that the Deistic worldview leads to a moral relativism we typically think of as post-modernism. Also interesting was the discussion of the character’s transition from a monasticism and enthusiasm where he saw God under every rock to a Theology of Glory where he saw God’s hand in his suffering.

It’s a unique and interesting podcast and I hope you’ll support and encourage the pastors. Check out some other episodes as well which include discussions of “Game of Thrones,” “The Hunger Games,” and “1984.”